Bethabba Church

About Bethabba

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth and the life: no man cometh to the Father but by me. John 14:6, King James Bible.

Biblical Garden, Meetings Rooms and Retreats

The Biblical Garden is available to anyone who wants time to reflect, read or simply spend some time alone with God.

Meeting rooms, Biblical Garden, Orchard and Glen are available for any church groups for Quiet days, PCC, DCC away days etc.

The Kids Cave for the creche is also available.

Retreats are available for one person or groups, led by Rev Jane or self led.

Spiritual guidance, prayer etc. with Rev. Jane McKelvey and ministry team available.


Any Queries Contact

Telephone: Peter 07593983116 or Jane 07724132470 

Address:   Wheathill Road, L36 5US